Friday, March 06, 2009

I don't care who ya are... that is funny!!!
There has not been a President who has not had jokes lobed at him, fun made of him and embarrassing caracitures posted. Obama is the one who is making this Presidency racist. He needs to get over the FACT that he is BLACK and get on with life. Jimmy Carter had peanuts and brother Billy to deal with, George W. had a striking resemblence to ALfred E. Newman. They laughed it off. Obama is BLACK and he needs to get a grip on the jokes that are going to come with that.

My only objection to this photo is they failed to show the back side of the White House... where the "white honkies" are in the fields picking cotton.

Why can't we laugh at Obama??? Why is he better than any other President??? He is sure sitting back laughing at us. "Look at those ignorant fools who voted for me... even after I tell them straight up that there is no way I can keep my campaign promises, they still support me". "I talk big and carry a wad of money to throw at every problem and they smile and politely ask for more".

Before I get off my soapbox... I have a few thoughts on the economy.

There is NO WAY this MORON's stimulus package is going to work. A country can NOT survive with no industry. Rebuilding cities??? WHO is going to do this???........ the computer techs who are out of jobs and have never picked up a hammer??? Well...NO... the building jobs would be going to the illegals that Obama is going to open the borders to let in. Once the cities are rebuilt.. and those jobs are no longer needed.... AHHHH.... more Aliens on Welfare. HOW IS THAT HELPING THE UNITED STATES????? The advantage is that there will be MORE minorities who will vote him back in office.

My plan would be: Hang a NO VACANCY sign on the Statue of Liberty, then retool our factories. Put levies, taxes and HUGE penlties on companies that outsource. Forget about the treaties that the Clinton administration signed with China. We need to deal with getting America back on it's feet. The only way to do that is to pump some life back into the heartland. Bring back the factories, bring back the industry. Give the stmulus money to the FARMERS.. ...not the banks. We've seen what ther banks did with the $$ the jets, new offices for the CEO's. Put a cap on the CEO's salaries??? Oh PLEASE!!!! They will just up their expense accounts to make up for it.

Obama said we ALL have to make some sacrifices. Why doesn't that include him and his family. I see they are still going on with plans to redecorate the White House. Why are THEY not giving a little back to the economy??? And what is this with him traveling the country??? Why can't he sign bills in the White House.... why spend all that $$$ (THAT THE US DOES NOT HAVE RIGHT NOW) on all the jet fuel and security to make so many public appearances.

So... MR. OBAMA..... get off your high horse. Quit pretending that you are a Kennedy. You are BLACK... get over it . Maybe you should think about turning all that wasted White House lawn into a mega farm to provide food for the illegals you are going to bring over. Quite frankly, I'm sick of my tax $$$ supporting them!!!!!!

Stepping quietly and swiftly off my soapbox... before I get caught in the crossfire between our BLACK President and Rush Limbaugh. I might add that Obama is again fueling the flame. Who is profiting from his war with Rush??? RUSH has more listeners than ever.

BTW - I am NOT racist. Some of my best friends are Afro-American BLACK people. They don't scream RACISM if I happen to serve BBQ ribs and watermelon at a summer picnic. Would I go to their house and scream Racism if they served Apple Pie?????

Obama is going to divide this country and we are going to have a racial war the likes of which we have never seen before. Obama is going to destroy 100's of years of work on blacks and whites sharing common ground. He doesn't see himself as an America with dark skin. He sees himself as a persecuted black man who is going to show the world the blacks have risen. That is not what this country needs right now. We need a President who can show leadership and get us out of this economical cesspool.....not prove he is a BLACK man who became President.



At 2:57 PM , Blogger Blue said...

Amen. Blue-e

At 10:13 AM , Blogger Bubbybird said...

Gooooo Sharon!!

At 9:19 PM , Blogger grasshopperking said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:23 PM , Blogger grasshopperking said...

Work on the grammar. Maybe, if you have the time consider the racism.

At 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grammer is not the issue here. Perhaps you should work on sentence structure..because yours make no sense.


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