Sunday, September 21, 2008


Old Stone Church in Estes Park, CO

Canon Xsi, kit lens

Summer skipped Colorado this year. Last I remember it was the end of May and we were anxious for warm weather. All of the sudden, it's Fall. Leaves have changed... cool weather has set in and winter is just around the corner.

I have accomplished nothing all summer. No nothing. Seems I spent the summer sitting in doctors offices. Tomorrow is my LAST attempt at a Specialist. If he can't make a diagonisis... I give up!!!!

On the bright side... At least I am feeling a tad better.

Have decided I sorta like the Canon Xsi. While I still prefer my Nikons, the Canon is lightweight and does turn out some decent shots. I don't like the way the buttons are set up ... especially the ISO..... very difficult to manipulate. But all in all a good camera and I give it a thumbs up.


At 3:16 PM , Blogger Tom said...

Very nice picture Sharon,pity about summer.


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