Tuesday, February 12, 2008

5 year olds take the prize!!!

Kayla (in the middle) and her "team" took a Platium award and first place in their division at their first ever sem-national competition. There are supposed to be a quartet, but one of the girls had pneumonia. With only a couple quick run throughs as a trio.... they pulled it off.... and won the "Show must go on" award as well.

Kinda funny really..... we were told that they MUST wear make-up on stage or the judges wouldn't notice them. By make-up.. we are talking the full deal.. foundation, eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, bright red lipstick. My daughter (Pam -Kay's Mom) said "NO WAY". Pam is adament about not "Jon Benet'ing" Kayla. One of the other Mother's agreed.... and those 2 little girls went out on stage with nothing but their sheer cuteness. Hmmmmm...... guess they got noticed even without the war paint.

Next competition is in 2 weeks. That one is supposed to be a much tougher competition.... the cream of the crop gathers there to compete. Different set of judges. Would be a miracle if they pulled it off again. BUT.. Kayla doesn't care.. win or lose.. she just wants to DANCE!!!!

OKAY.. I'll get off my Gramma bragging soapbox now.


At 9:42 PM , Blogger Carolyn in Kentucky said...

You have every right to be a proud grandmother. Your grandaughter is a beautiful, I am so glad that her mother stood up and spoke her beliefs on the makeup thing. It is wonderful that talent won out. Hope all goes well with the next competetion.

At 1:25 PM , Blogger AliKat (WOTFGM's) said...

Kayla has the right attitude, do it because you love it and then there is no disappointment. Tell her Congratulations please.

And it was great to finally see an update on your blog.



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