Monday, August 20, 2007

Dog Days of August

What crazy weather we are having. Hot Hot Hot most of the day with afternoon sprinkles and lightening storms. Yard is in dire need of a mowing. Weeds love rain, so they are in their glory. Heat and rain have turned my flower beds into weedy, petaless mud pits. YUCK!!!

Speaking of dogs... and ya knew I was gonna right?? Here are Cookie's 3 month old pictures.


SHE IS NOT the ugliest dog you have ever seen... and YES... she WILL grow into that head (sorta). humph!!!!

My son's neighbor is convinced Cookie is a freak of nature.... a cross between a German Shepard and a RABBIT!!! He refuses to believe this is a real dog breed. Nor could I convince him she carries fairies on her back...and has a Fairie Saddle to prove it. Oh well...what's one more person in my life who thinks I need to take permanent residence in the Pysch ward!!??!!.

Awwww....poor Cookie.... ya'll are gonna give her an inferiority complex.


At 2:38 AM , Blogger Alikat said...

Tell your neighbour the Queen of England rates this breed very highly not sure it will cut you any slack but hey. Anyways I think Cookie is adorable.


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