Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18, 2007

Another Monday!! Where does the time go??? Last week was spent on dealing with malfunctioning electronics. Our TV which has been a lemon since day 1... has now been officially labeled a "Lemon" by the warranty company.

We were celebrating until we discovered that since they now agree it is a lemon, they no longer have to fix it. Instead they have opted to give us 50% of it's value in cash to "buy out of the warranty". HUH?????? That is NOT what the contract says. It says if they can't fix it they give us back 100% of the purchase price of the tv PLUS the money for the added warranty. They are saying that they CAN fix it... just choose not to....therefore that clause does not apply. Again.. HUH????? We are giving them 5 days to make good on their warranty or we will let a judge interpret their contract. As Roseanna Roseanna Dana said "It's Always something"!!!!!

As if that wasn't enough for one week. My (fairly new) Nikon D80 camera had a fatal illness and was dying a slow painful death. The GOOD news is it was still within the return period.... so back it went. Decided to get a different model and am now the proud owner of a Nikon D200.

This is a meatier, heavier camera than anything I have ever had before. It also has no "auto" settings.... fully manual. I hope me and this guy get far he is not cooperating with me. He is a fuss budget about his settings and one little teeney wrong setting throws everything out of whack. Quit a learning curve. Above roses were the first decent pictures out of him all day. I gotta admit, when I tend to his every need, he rewards me with a picture than blows me away. I think after a period of adjustment, this will be a marriage made in heaven. Time will tell.
NOW....about those roses. They were last years end of the season rose bushes at Wal-Mart. I figured for $5.00 each, how could I go wrong. They are small bushes..... but they are very prolific and producing the most beautiful pinkish-orange roses.
Guess that's it for today. Gotta get back to enjoying SUMMER!!!! YIPPEE!!!! NO SNOW!!!! DOUBLE YIPPEE!!!!!


At 9:01 AM , Blogger Sherri said...

so whatever happened with the TV warranty issue?
DingyBrat who also has pink flamingo fabric today :)

At 5:08 AM , Blogger Ginabee said...

Those are gorgeous shots! I have the same roses way down here in my part of the world. I couldn't get a decent shot but one stalk had over 40 blooms on it .. if they'd bloomed all at once I could have made a fortune with a bride's bouquet! Gotta love those Walmart specials. Good luck with the new camera.


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