Saturday, April 21, 2007

This and That

WOW!!! It's been a long time since I updated this blog. I have no good excuse, other than sheer laziness.

What have I been up to??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.. say it again... What is it good for... ABSOLUTELY.....

OH.... sorry... had a little BOSS blasting in the background... got carried away for a sec.

Let's see... what HAVE I been up to??? Mostly same old, same old. Still have not gotten my Dad's estate settled. His girlfriend still refuses to return his personal property to the family. Two and half years and still have not seen the inside of a court room on this. Word of advice... being the Executor of an estate is a truely awful job!!!!

My Mother and her evil sister (she honestly IS EVIL) are still creating trouble for the rest of the poor family in Indiana. WHICH IS WHY I LIVE IN COLORADO!!!!!!
Let's see ... what else is new??? I donated 15 quilts to be auctioned for Alzheimers research. In addition I was the hostess for collecting and registering 183 quilts from my Fairie Goddess Mothers group. WOW!!! What a job that was.... but well worth the effort as 100% of the proceeds from the auction go to Alzhiemer research.

We mutually agreed that my son (Brian) would start his own photography business and break away from my company. He is bringing in more business than I care to deal with.... so it works out better for everyone. He can be a workaholic...... while I can be a lazy butt. PERFECT!!!! LOL!!!!

I guess that is all my (UN)exciting news for today. I really must update my blog more often. I WILL!!!! I WILL!!!! I WILL...... hopefully!!!


At 4:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, executor....been there, done that-with a spendthrift brother, an "I could do it better" sister, and a paranoid schizophrenic stepmother.

Since Dad had several properties still receiving payments, the settlement drug on-for the longest six years of my life!! Every time I looked up, Evil Stepmother Ann was at my door wanting an advance on her biannual share of the income-usually to cover her gambling losses. Little Katie was actually scared of her-I made a point of trying not to allow Ann past my threshold.

You have my deep, sincere sympathy, both for the loss of your dad, and the aggravation of dealing with the girlfriend, and the Evil Queen and her Jester.


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