Saturday, January 20, 2007


Snowing again today with the promise of more snow the next several days. I figure I will close the blinds, kick up the heat and pretend it is Spring. Maybe work on some SPRING cleaning.... or a SPRING applique block. Something colorful with NO white in it.

The GOOD news is... because of all the horrid weather.... Steve has seen the light and has agreed that maybe we should think about relocating to a warmer climate ( like New Mexico) The BAD news is that when we were there a couple weeks ago, they had the first measurable snow in the last 36 years. Ah well... at least I got a "maybe" out of him. Can't do anything until the real estate market turns around here anyhow. But at least there is a spark of hope.

My current project is a Realistic Portrait of Steve in fabric. It's not going well and he is looking alot like one of Van Gogh's later paintings. I'm thinking this might be a good start for my 2008 UFO hopefuls. LOL

Dog needs to go out. Must find my rose colored glasses before I open the door. I'll just pretend the pink snow is a field of poppys.


At 2:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


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