Friday, December 01, 2006


Tried to do a little Xmas shopping this evening. Had to come home. My old bones just do not like the frigid temps. Not to mention the icy parking lots that I have to navigate cautiously for fear of a broken limb. Then there are the germ infected mobs of angry shoppers. Online shopping is looking better and better.

Here are a couple of my favorites pillows I made. The Naughty/Nice is one pillow with a flip-floppable flap.

I have no breaking news to report this week. We have been very busy with Steve's Mother. She has improved significantly the last few days.... but they tell us that is normal and we should not get our hopes up. They have now given her less than 2 weeks. That is quite an improvement from less than a few hours. All we can do is wait and hope and pray.

24 shopping days left...... .and Good Luck to ya on that.


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