Thursday, November 16, 2006


For the life of me can't get this crazy blog to post the correct date. Should be November 27, not the 16th.... ????

Steve, bless his heart, knowing my addiction for cameras... surprised me with a new Nikon D80. Does it get much better than that??? Here is my first attempt with it. Impressive camera to say the least!!! Thank you Santa.

BTW- this is a 3 foot tall wooden statue. We inheirted it. Looks to be rather old. If anyone has any idea on how I could find out more on it.... maybe where it came from?. Doesn't appear to be Oriental (my Father-In-Law collected those type of things .) Steve said they had it as long as he can remember. No one in the family seems to know where it came from.

We had a quiet Thanksgiving. After dinner the kids helped put up outside lights and deorations, then helped put the inside trees together. In Colorado, if you have a nice day you take advantage of it ..... otherwise you will putting lights up hip deep in snow... in a blizzard.

My goal for the rest of the year is to get a few unfinished projects finished so I can take a quilt class from Quilt U in January and not feel guilty for starting yet another project. Wish me luck with that!!!!


At 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooohhh! I'm jealous of your camera!!
That is a GREAT pic of that statue! Did you do that special effect thing with software or is your camera that cool??
BTW that statue looks very similar to the Indian Buddha or maybe one of the other Gods or Goddesses from India. I study world religions and have several books on religious and mythological art and the crown looks very similar to one on the Lord Vishnu in a picture with his "wife"(?) Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune and her son (or companion - not sure which), Ganesh.
Anyway, that's my 2cents about your statue....
I love the pics of your granddaughter, she sure is a cutie!

At 11:58 PM , Blogger Sharon said...

Thanks Lynette... I will have to check out the India Goddess. Had not considered it could be from that region.

The camera is WAY COOL... but that pic was done with software. Although the literature for the camera does say it can do double exposures....I just haven't gotten that far with it yet.

At 11:13 AM , Blogger Ginabee said...

Wow .. a new camera. I know you are having fun with it. Happy anniversary to you! Sounds like your Thanksgiving was a lot like mine down the lights and trees .. although in Fla we're not exactly worried about the hip deep white stuff!

At 11:15 AM , Blogger Ginabee said...

2nd thought on the dates .. try to go edit your post and there should be an option on the bottom left side for comments/dates etc where you can correct the date and time!

At 8:41 PM , Blogger Charl said...

That is a beautiful statue! I think I agree with Lynette, definitely has an Indian type of feel to me.


At 8:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your new camera. The statue is beautiful. Reminds me of Quan Yin would be interesting to see the rest of her. BlueeTopaz


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