Friday, December 15, 2006


I could not resist posting a picture of the Elf, Edna made me in my "secret ELF Swap" group.

The picture really does not do it justice. It's 12 -14 inches tall and has the cutest face and rosy cheeks. It's so adorable. Thank you Edna!!!! Now to NAME THAT ELF!!!!

Another new treasure for my tree is this beaded Fairy, ROAK'd to me by Janice (the Homely) in my FGM group. Thank you so much Janice. She is a delight. btw- for those who don't know.... "The Homely" is a term of endearment bestowed on Janice by her family. I'm not just being mean. I use "the Homely" with the utmost respect and admiration.

'Tis turning out to be a wonderful Holiday season. I have been elfed and roak'd and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. My blind man (who really sees quite well) seems to have found a solution (after 3 months of continuous attempts) to the window covering in an arched window that just would not fit properly. YIPPEEE!!!!

Everyone will be here for Christmas Eve to EAT, track Santa on NORAD, EAT, play our annual family pool/air hocky/dart/poker tournaments, EAT, open presents. DId I mention we will EAT too??? My son whose hobby is gourmet cooking..... will do the honors of cooking our traditional Christmas Eve smorgasboard feast. YUMM!!!!!

My Christmas shopping is all wrapped up.... literally!!! tags, bows and everything. Still have a couple things to pick up for hubby..... but the kids are going to help me with that next week.

10 days and counting
until we hear "HO HO HO" and the
prancing and pawing of tiny hooves on the rooftop.


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