Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Vultures have crash landed!!!!

Well.... I WAS going to "let go" of the insanity between my Mother and her sister. I STUPIDLY THOUGHT My Mother's passing would put an end to the reign of terror.

I was wrong!!!!

Mind you I did not get, nor did I expect or want, anything from my Mother's estate (which was very very very small). HOWEVER, it seems the Will surprised Crazy Auntie Alice. She only got 1/2 of my Mother's personal belongings (which was in a SMALL 1 bedroom apartment) the bank account and rest of the property went to another aunt.... who truely deserves it.

Here is the kicker. Crazy Alice wants ME to send HER money, because she says she wants more than what she ended up with.

I am dead serious!!!! This LOONIE, that menatlly abused and tortured me, when I was little, wants ME to send her $$$$$$ to make up for what my Mother didn't have!!!!! I am not kidding... this is the truth!!!!

This is beyond bizarre...even for the family's "Death circling vultures". I can't even begin to understand in her sick demented mind how she came up with this.

She went to my Mother's funeral slinging mud at ME, because I refuse to cough up money that she thinks my Mother should have had.. and given to her.

Needless to say all she is getting out of me is my hospital bill.... from the trip to the ER...... from falling out of my chair laughing at her.

I guess in all honestly, I must Thank Alice. Last night my family went out to dinner... and had a rip roaring good time ... laughing until tears were rolling down our faces.... all because of her. My son, Brian.... fondly referred to as the King of Zingers..... had us in stitches. So Thanks Auntie Alice..... we had a few good laughs at your expense. Oh yeah... and "The check is in the mail".


At 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz, you have been gone too long. Sorry to hear about Mary. Alice is certifiable. Checks in the mail. Good one.

At 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never cease to be amazed at the lack of love and compassion that "family" so often send our way. Why anyone would expect to gain from someone's death is beyond me. If your evil Aunt had any love, she should have offered you the part of inheritance that she did receive, to help compensate in part for the trauma she instigated in your early life. Carolyn H. in Kentucky


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