Friday, May 25, 2007

Ballet is Serious Business

Here is our little Prima Ballerina in her new recital costume. She is not smiling because according to her "Ballet is too serious to smile at". I asked her who told her that and she answered "Grandma, somtimes people just know things..and I just KNOW THAT!!"

Here she is at her first "public cheering event". OH... wait they call it POMS now. In my day it was cheerleading. She just turned 5 a few weeks ago. She lives and breathes singing, dancing and Poms.
Kayla our little POM PRINCESS in the middle... looking very intent on the game. Guess poms is serious business too.
IT'S A FLY BALL CHARLIE BROWN!!!!! Kayla is jumping for glee!!!

This is Kayla's pre school graduation program. The theme was Fun In The Sun. You can't really tell in the picture.. but Kayla (front row, middle) was really into the Hula. Even tho I got blamed for it.. I DID NOT TEACH HER THOSE MOVES!!! Mind you the program was in a church... and the saintly little grey-haired lady behind me was (thankfully) stunned speechless with Little Miss Show Biz's Hula. Unfortunately her uncle didn't get pictures of her bow and throwing kisses to the audience at the end. It was quite a performance.

As you can see, I have been keeping quite busy playing doting Grandma. A job I love and am very good at.


At 4:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally in awwwwww of your cutie patootie. What an absolute dollbaby!!

At 1:11 PM , Blogger Ginabee said...

Memory pages galore there! I know she is thrilled to have her Grandma at all of these moments celebrating her life. How lucky for both of you.


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