Tuesday, June 12, 2007


FLOWERS ARE UP!!!! Roses are blooming, Columbines are blooming, pansies are popping up everywhere, scent of lilacs fill the air. Every afternoon there is the threat of rain.... which never comes, except for a few distant thunderboomers. Ahhh.... Springtime in the Rockies.

This is the busy time of year for us. Lots of mini vacations for photo opts that will hopefully last us through the colorless Colorado winter months.

Lots of trips to the local nurseries (who groan when they see us walk in lugging our cameras and tripods) . Not really... actually they welcome us with open arms because they know I'm a sucker for flowers and will leave with half their stock and an empty wallet.

That's all for today. Along with the pretty flowers of Spring... comes also the never ending weeds.... which I must get out and tend to.


At 3:51 AM , Blogger Ginabee said...


At 8:57 AM , Blogger Sherri said...

The flowers you sent me haven't arrived yet. I am still waiting.


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