Thursday, July 12, 2007

TV problems and WARRENTECH

GREAT NEWS!!! After fighting for months with Warrantech to honor the extended warranty we purchased at Ultimate Electronics on our tv (which is a LEMON... with a CAPITOL "L" .....Samsung 61" DLP). Steve finally filed suit last week.... demanding the entire cost of the tv (which it says in the warranty we are entitled to if the tv can't be fixed. After numerous repairs THEY wrote it off as a lemon and offered to replace it with a used, refurbished tv from an Internet dealer that didn't exist and was a much lesser tv than ours...... long story there). ANYWAY.... once Steve filed suit they coughed up another NEW TV at an Internet site that had HORRID reviews and didn't even had the tv in stock, nor could they get it. Next Monday was to be the court date.

Yesterday they called and tried to settle for the cost of the tv, less taxes, delivery and the warranty... which the contract clearly states we are entitled to if the tv can't be fixed. Steve had 10 counts of Consumer fraud and violations of the Colorado Unfair Trade Practices Act he hit them with... Plus was aksing the court for Treble damages (under those violations) for both Warrantech and Great American Insurance (who Warrentech is the underwriter for).

Bottom line... . Steve settled out of court for triple the cost of the tv.... and we get to keep the tv.... which for the moment is working except for the video/audio jacks. They knew the judge hearing the case (locally known as the hanging judge) would not be kind to an out of state insurance company refusing to honor their warranty.

SOOOOO....with the extra $$$ Steve bought me a new puppy. More about that tomorrow.


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