Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This is my latest project. It was from a class I recently took. I love the technique and might try my hand at another one...... someday. I'm not thrilled with this one. Not the look I was going for. At this point, I'm not sure if I want to go ahead and bind it for a wall hanging, or chop it into sections and make small quiltlets for Ami's ALZ quilts out of it. Guess I will put it on my design wall and contemplate a bit longer.

If ya'll have any suggestions on what I could do to improve this.... I'm open to suggestions here. This took me forever to make, and I'd like to try and save it... but I think there are too many things wrong with it.
The class instructor thinks if I add a few more larger circles and then outline all the circles in the same color that would do the trick. I'm not so sure....???? It's already quilted so adding more circles might really screw it up at this point. COMMENTS????


At 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about a border in a dark color to match the circle outlines? That might balance out the lighter colors and sort of "frame' it... I think it looks pretty cool the way it is, though!


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