Friday, March 13, 2009


Kayla's reital last weekend was a little "off". It was one of those performances where everything that could posible go wrong ...DID! The shower curtain fell over at the beginning of the number and Kayla had to single handedly get it standing back up again.. ..which she amazingly did and still managed to get her "mark" on time. They pulled off a GOLD award and high overall score....but it was not thier best performance. Didn't seem to phase the girls at all....they could care less what award they get. LOL!

Not much other interesting news this week... other than we now live across the street from the 26th MOST WANTED. Yep.. he is right up there with the murderers and rapists. His was a white collar crime involving scamming people out of millions$$$ in a high end Luxary car business he owned. Evendently the volume of victims of what put his in the top 50 most wanted. REALLY bad news is he has evaded police and US Marshalls for almost a year now......while his house sits empty. I dread to see what the yard looks like this summer with no maintance. It was up on the auction block for back taxes..... but with over 15 leins against it....nobody wants to touch it. That oughta deprecite the surrounding homes... in an already depressed market. UGH!!!!

I'm off to Dillards to see if I can get a different sales clerk. Went there yesterday and had a few shirts to buy, She wouldn't let me buy them because they are going on sale Saturday. I could save a whopping $6. by waiting two days, Well... gee.. that would be wonderful if it didn't cost me $15. in gas to make three more trips. I'm sure her boss would be thrilled with her for denying a sale.

On the upside.. the week is ending with the sun out and NO SNOW!!!!!! Life is good afterall!!!!


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