Saturday, February 10, 2007



What can I say about this movie?? You will LOVE IT... that is IF...blood, guts, gore, more blood, no plot, terrible (as in NO) character development is your criteria for a good movie.

We were asked to fill out a review form after the movie. Along with the other 20 people in the theatre.. we all agreed it was a solid "D" ...even tho "F" was perhaps a bit more honest.

Young Hannibal is so far from Anothony Hopkins character it is difficult to relate the two characters. The storyline was thin, at best. It failed to connect the Hannibal we know to the young Hannibal.

I was hoping the story would give us insight into the WHY of (Silence of he Lambs) Hannibal. It didn't. It gave no reason for why Hannibal continued his "feeding frenzy"....only why he began it.

I give this a multiple THUMBS DOWN. If anyone else sees it, I would love to hear your thoughts.

After the movie we went to Olive Garden.... so the day was not a total loss.

Friday, February 02, 2007

FORCED TO CONVERT convert I did. Blogspot and Google teamed up on me and I could not fight the both of them. Unwillingly, I cowered and went to the dark side, creating a "new and improved" blog. We shall see!!!!