Friday, March 11, 2011


I'm on a roll here... let's take on Wisconsin and UNIONS!!!

KUDOS to you Wisconsin!!!! Unions had a place at one time. That time has long since passed. Today Unions are nothing more than a way to line the pockets of fat cat CEO's.
Unions no longer look out for the little guy. They destroy the small businessman. They are no longer the pro-worker group they were set up to be.

Those who think "Union Thugs" are a figment of imagination. Think again. They are REAL, they are dangerous.

My Dad while walking to his car with a co-worker had acid thrown at them. My Dad managed to dodge it, while his co-worker took a hit to the face, scarring and blinding him for life.

Years later, my Dad had a small NON-UNION company. His employees did not wish to become union. The enjoyed being able to work overtime and knew when a new hire was coming onboard it was someone my Dad had interviewed, was skilled and would work as hard as the other employees to ensure quality work, which they were all proud of. These guys were thrilled being able to work on weekends and get overtime. NO UNION DUES!!!!! NO UNION RULES!!!! If they wanted or needed a little extra money, my Dad would provide them with as much overtime as they wanted. It was not required but always available if they wanted extra hours.

On a Non-Union job.... my Dad and his employees were attacked with knifes and pipes by Union thugs. Although they all ended up in the hospital no one was killed. The Union goal was to brutally murder a Hawaiian employee my Dad had working for him. He was also the foreman of my Dad's company. For some odd reason this rubbed the Union the wrong way. There were death threats to the point no one was allowed to work in the office alone. Luckily my Dad was better with a tire iron then the Union was with their knifes. He saved the day and got a large settlement out of the Union, which he divided equally among his injured employees....not taking a dime for himself. So in honor of my Dad.... THANK YOU's a baby step in the right direction.

Wisconsin did the right thing... and I hope every State follows.

One last thing..... TEACHER TENURE. WHAT A JOKE!!!! All it does is keep the bad teachers in jobs that good teachers are standing in line for. Let's let a teachers merits determine her job status ....not tenure. ANd now what..... teachers are being laid off in droves. What teachers will go first??? The fresh, enthusiastic ones who honestly enjoy their job and are capable of teaching a class. The overbearing, non-productive, teachers with "tenure" will be what's left to teach (and that is using the term loosely) our children.


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