Friday, March 11, 2011

Been awhile since I updated my blog. Mainly because I forgot about it. Literally forgot I had it. But now (Thanks Bluee!!!!!!) ... I'm Baaaaaaaaack!!!

Looks like my Obama predictions were right on. Stimulus package....HA... ain't working. Creating more jobs.....uhmmmm...nope... that also has gone nowhere. ObamaCare.....that has failed miserably.

Bank Bailouts. Good one Mr. "O". Since you were the one who, way before becoming President, helped to create and pass a bill that forced banks to give money to those they knew could not pay. Gas prices are at an all-time high. Food is at an all-time high. Housing foreclosures are at an all-time high. School budgets are at a all-time low. Schools are closing at alarming rates, teachers jobs are being cut. Factories are closing their doors after generations. Not doing much for your "creating more jobs" platform now is is???

You personally refuse to buy American. Your clothing and your wives gowns are from foreign designers. Really good role model!!!! First President in history not to wear a Brook Brothers Suit to be sworn it.

You are pushing to do away with an "antiquated" (you & Ms Clinton's words) Constitution....on which this country was built. Allow (and encourage) Insurance companies to raise their rates so that no one can afford Health insurance.... making your ObamaCareLESS package look appealing to those too ignorant to read the fine print.

You support taking the words "GOD" and "IN GOD WE TRUST" away from us...... yet, you openly (in your face Americans) joined a Muslim prayer group on the White House steps. Headlines read:

Obama Prays with Muslims White House He Cancels National Day of "Obama Prays with Muslims at White House while He Cancels


Does that not say it all????

National debt...OY...... let's not even go with what you have done there.

Your constituents, who refuse to admit they made a mistake say "Leave him alone, he's doing the best he can". Sorry "O"... I can't accept that way of thinking. You are the PRESIDENT OF MY UNITED STATES. I DEMAND... more of you. If you couldn't deliver, you should not have stepped into those shoes.

Gotta hand it to you. You are the only President in history to destroy this country single-handedly.

I could step off my soapbox now....but.....nah....I'm gonna stay here because tomorrow you will do something else to help destroy this country and I'll be up here ready to ponce on more of your ignorant anti-americanism.


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