Monday, December 17, 2007

On the 7th day of Christmas.....

Cookie 7 & 1/2 months

I think there is a Fairy riding on Cookie's back.... do you see the wings???

7 days 'till Christmas. I have nothing done. A nasty bug has kept me from getting ready for Christmas. It's on all the News ..."Christmas Sales are down this year because Sharon hasn't hit the malls yet". I have to get well.... I have to SHOP!!!!! The American economy is depending on me!!!!!

The Holiday Season is usually the time for my annual "Be an American" political spiel. This year I'm just going to say two words: BUY AMERICAN!!!!

I would say Germany, Canada and Great Britain are okay buys too... HOWEVER.... (and Ali I apologize in advance).... I'm a little miffed at Great Britain and Germany. If they had not sold Land Rover to Ford..... Ford would not be selling it to INDIA!!!!! WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THAT???? Land Rovers and Jags being made in INDIA????? Hey... maybe they can figure out how to make them run on water..... CAMEL CARS!!!! who knows??

AND...what kind of crazy election year is this going to be??? I guess I will wait and pick my candidate after the mud settles and see who is left face off against Queen Hillary. If I have to bow before a Queen... I'll move to England and bow before the real one, Thank you very much!!!!!

And that concludes this uplifting Christmas message.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!