Saturday, June 07, 2008


Today was the last recital of the year. It's been a busy one. Below are 3 (of the 7 ) recital routines Kayla was in over the last 2 days. This isn't including the competitions throughout the year. It's been crazy. Next year Pam (my daughter) is cutting back to working part-time, so she can be the dance class chauffer. Grandma is getting to old to keep up with this hectic schedule.

Tonight was her last time to do Yankee Doodle. The girls did so well with it in competitions this year. They took high score . Course they were 5 year olds and certainly had the "cute factor" on their side.

Kayla is the one with the star over her head. This years theme was "USA".

Yankee Doodle Company Competition group
Deep in the Heart of Texas, Dance Academy ballet group

Listen to the Land, Jr. Company production number