Monday, October 06, 2008

Last Rose of Summer

This is the last rose on my bush. Tomorrow it will be gone too. We are supposed to get our first hard freeze tonight. I am SOOO NOT ready for winter.

30 days until we vote for the lesser of the two evils who will reign terror over America for 4-8 years. I am thoroughly dissapointed with both parties candidates.

On one hand there is Obama who IMHO, truely believes he is a Kennedy. He promises whatever he thinks the people want to hear. Looking back at his voting record.... in the past he has not voted for what he now says he supports. I do NOT trust him. Everything that comes out of his mouth means higher taxes for us. I can't afford higher taxes....and I refuse to bow down and face Mecca!!!! Obama scares me!!!! He wants to take America away from the Americans who faught so hard to keep it a free land. Obama voted to NOT..... I repeat NOT make english the official language of the United States. Biden is a hot headed shithead...not much more I can add to that.

On the other hand is McCain who seems to be already following in Reagan's footsteps ...and we know how the last few years of that term ended.
Palin... what can I say. OMG!!!! She is carrying the "good ole' gal" thing little too far. Joe 6-pack and soccor Moms.... and her "Well Gosh darn". She doesn't come across as the lady next door. She comes across as an unsophisticated , uneducated moron. What happens if, Heaven forbid SHE becomes President. N. Korea launches a nuclear missle at us and her response is "Well..Gosh Darn.... let's put him in time out for 5 minutes then we'll discuss it .... hang on the baby needs changing". "The war in Iraq??? Well Gosh darn.. are we still over there?" Palin scares me!!!
I can't remember the last time I felt strongly about a presidential Candidate...... it's been decades. Maybe it has always been like this and as I get older I see their lies and what they will do and say to get elected. I no longer take their "platform" at face value. To really judge a candidate you have to dig deeper and look at their past record and how they voted on issues of importance to you.

In the infamous words of the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore, ...."A Zebra doesn't change it's spots".
Climbing slowly off my soapbox now.