Friday, March 11, 2011

MISTY Dreaming About the 50's

This is a quilt and poem I created for a FGM Challenge several years ago. I didn't win..... so many better. Very talented group of ladies I competed with. I had the quilt, but misplaced the poem. Thanks to a fellow FGM, she was able to locate my long lost poem. Now they are together again. Adorning Kayla's room.


Misty is a lazy fairy, she lives upon cloud 9
Dreaming about the 50’s, is how she spends her time.
Pedal pushers, Coonskin caps, saddle shoes and poodle skirts,
Boys with greasy duck tails and rolled up white T-shirts.
She dreams about soda shops, rock-a-billy and the King.
Bill Haley, Perry Como and dancing to the Swing.
Muscle cars and street rods, drag racing down on Main,
Drive in movies, cashmere sweaters and walking barefoot in the rain.
Buddy Holly, James Dean, Rock and Roll and Doo Wop.
Spumoni ice cream, Tutti Fruitti and rolled down bobby sox
If Misty could bring the 50’s back, she knows what she would do.
She’d sit on the shoulders of the King, as he sings Blue Suede Shoes.
She’d pop down to the soda shop, discreetly hide herself,
Watching all the action, from high atop a shelf.
But even fairies can’t turn back time, (tho’ it surely would be nifty)
So Misty fritters away her time, just dreaming about the 50’s
by Sharon


I'm on a roll here... let's take on Wisconsin and UNIONS!!!

KUDOS to you Wisconsin!!!! Unions had a place at one time. That time has long since passed. Today Unions are nothing more than a way to line the pockets of fat cat CEO's.
Unions no longer look out for the little guy. They destroy the small businessman. They are no longer the pro-worker group they were set up to be.

Those who think "Union Thugs" are a figment of imagination. Think again. They are REAL, they are dangerous.

My Dad while walking to his car with a co-worker had acid thrown at them. My Dad managed to dodge it, while his co-worker took a hit to the face, scarring and blinding him for life.

Years later, my Dad had a small NON-UNION company. His employees did not wish to become union. The enjoyed being able to work overtime and knew when a new hire was coming onboard it was someone my Dad had interviewed, was skilled and would work as hard as the other employees to ensure quality work, which they were all proud of. These guys were thrilled being able to work on weekends and get overtime. NO UNION DUES!!!!! NO UNION RULES!!!! If they wanted or needed a little extra money, my Dad would provide them with as much overtime as they wanted. It was not required but always available if they wanted extra hours.

On a Non-Union job.... my Dad and his employees were attacked with knifes and pipes by Union thugs. Although they all ended up in the hospital no one was killed. The Union goal was to brutally murder a Hawaiian employee my Dad had working for him. He was also the foreman of my Dad's company. For some odd reason this rubbed the Union the wrong way. There were death threats to the point no one was allowed to work in the office alone. Luckily my Dad was better with a tire iron then the Union was with their knifes. He saved the day and got a large settlement out of the Union, which he divided equally among his injured employees....not taking a dime for himself. So in honor of my Dad.... THANK YOU's a baby step in the right direction.

Wisconsin did the right thing... and I hope every State follows.

One last thing..... TEACHER TENURE. WHAT A JOKE!!!! All it does is keep the bad teachers in jobs that good teachers are standing in line for. Let's let a teachers merits determine her job status ....not tenure. ANd now what..... teachers are being laid off in droves. What teachers will go first??? The fresh, enthusiastic ones who honestly enjoy their job and are capable of teaching a class. The overbearing, non-productive, teachers with "tenure" will be what's left to teach (and that is using the term loosely) our children.

Been awhile since I updated my blog. Mainly because I forgot about it. Literally forgot I had it. But now (Thanks Bluee!!!!!!) ... I'm Baaaaaaaaack!!!

Looks like my Obama predictions were right on. Stimulus package....HA... ain't working. Creating more jobs.....uhmmmm...nope... that also has gone nowhere. ObamaCare.....that has failed miserably.

Bank Bailouts. Good one Mr. "O". Since you were the one who, way before becoming President, helped to create and pass a bill that forced banks to give money to those they knew could not pay. Gas prices are at an all-time high. Food is at an all-time high. Housing foreclosures are at an all-time high. School budgets are at a all-time low. Schools are closing at alarming rates, teachers jobs are being cut. Factories are closing their doors after generations. Not doing much for your "creating more jobs" platform now is is???

You personally refuse to buy American. Your clothing and your wives gowns are from foreign designers. Really good role model!!!! First President in history not to wear a Brook Brothers Suit to be sworn it.

You are pushing to do away with an "antiquated" (you & Ms Clinton's words) Constitution....on which this country was built. Allow (and encourage) Insurance companies to raise their rates so that no one can afford Health insurance.... making your ObamaCareLESS package look appealing to those too ignorant to read the fine print.

You support taking the words "GOD" and "IN GOD WE TRUST" away from us...... yet, you openly (in your face Americans) joined a Muslim prayer group on the White House steps. Headlines read:

Obama Prays with Muslims White House He Cancels National Day of "Obama Prays with Muslims at White House while He Cancels


Does that not say it all????

National debt...OY...... let's not even go with what you have done there.

Your constituents, who refuse to admit they made a mistake say "Leave him alone, he's doing the best he can". Sorry "O"... I can't accept that way of thinking. You are the PRESIDENT OF MY UNITED STATES. I DEMAND... more of you. If you couldn't deliver, you should not have stepped into those shoes.

Gotta hand it to you. You are the only President in history to destroy this country single-handedly.

I could step off my soapbox now....but.....nah....I'm gonna stay here because tomorrow you will do something else to help destroy this country and I'll be up here ready to ponce on more of your ignorant anti-americanism.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Kayla's reital last weekend was a little "off". It was one of those performances where everything that could posible go wrong ...DID! The shower curtain fell over at the beginning of the number and Kayla had to single handedly get it standing back up again.. ..which she amazingly did and still managed to get her "mark" on time. They pulled off a GOLD award and high overall score....but it was not thier best performance. Didn't seem to phase the girls at all....they could care less what award they get. LOL!

Not much other interesting news this week... other than we now live across the street from the 26th MOST WANTED. Yep.. he is right up there with the murderers and rapists. His was a white collar crime involving scamming people out of millions$$$ in a high end Luxary car business he owned. Evendently the volume of victims of what put his in the top 50 most wanted. REALLY bad news is he has evaded police and US Marshalls for almost a year now......while his house sits empty. I dread to see what the yard looks like this summer with no maintance. It was up on the auction block for back taxes..... but with over 15 leins against it....nobody wants to touch it. That oughta deprecite the surrounding homes... in an already depressed market. UGH!!!!

I'm off to Dillards to see if I can get a different sales clerk. Went there yesterday and had a few shirts to buy, She wouldn't let me buy them because they are going on sale Saturday. I could save a whopping $6. by waiting two days, Well... gee.. that would be wonderful if it didn't cost me $15. in gas to make three more trips. I'm sure her boss would be thrilled with her for denying a sale.

On the upside.. the week is ending with the sun out and NO SNOW!!!!!! Life is good afterall!!!!

Friday, March 06, 2009

I don't care who ya are... that is funny!!!
There has not been a President who has not had jokes lobed at him, fun made of him and embarrassing caracitures posted. Obama is the one who is making this Presidency racist. He needs to get over the FACT that he is BLACK and get on with life. Jimmy Carter had peanuts and brother Billy to deal with, George W. had a striking resemblence to ALfred E. Newman. They laughed it off. Obama is BLACK and he needs to get a grip on the jokes that are going to come with that.

My only objection to this photo is they failed to show the back side of the White House... where the "white honkies" are in the fields picking cotton.

Why can't we laugh at Obama??? Why is he better than any other President??? He is sure sitting back laughing at us. "Look at those ignorant fools who voted for me... even after I tell them straight up that there is no way I can keep my campaign promises, they still support me". "I talk big and carry a wad of money to throw at every problem and they smile and politely ask for more".

Before I get off my soapbox... I have a few thoughts on the economy.

There is NO WAY this MORON's stimulus package is going to work. A country can NOT survive with no industry. Rebuilding cities??? WHO is going to do this???........ the computer techs who are out of jobs and have never picked up a hammer??? Well...NO... the building jobs would be going to the illegals that Obama is going to open the borders to let in. Once the cities are rebuilt.. and those jobs are no longer needed.... AHHHH.... more Aliens on Welfare. HOW IS THAT HELPING THE UNITED STATES????? The advantage is that there will be MORE minorities who will vote him back in office.

My plan would be: Hang a NO VACANCY sign on the Statue of Liberty, then retool our factories. Put levies, taxes and HUGE penlties on companies that outsource. Forget about the treaties that the Clinton administration signed with China. We need to deal with getting America back on it's feet. The only way to do that is to pump some life back into the heartland. Bring back the factories, bring back the industry. Give the stmulus money to the FARMERS.. ...not the banks. We've seen what ther banks did with the $$ the jets, new offices for the CEO's. Put a cap on the CEO's salaries??? Oh PLEASE!!!! They will just up their expense accounts to make up for it.

Obama said we ALL have to make some sacrifices. Why doesn't that include him and his family. I see they are still going on with plans to redecorate the White House. Why are THEY not giving a little back to the economy??? And what is this with him traveling the country??? Why can't he sign bills in the White House.... why spend all that $$$ (THAT THE US DOES NOT HAVE RIGHT NOW) on all the jet fuel and security to make so many public appearances.

So... MR. OBAMA..... get off your high horse. Quit pretending that you are a Kennedy. You are BLACK... get over it . Maybe you should think about turning all that wasted White House lawn into a mega farm to provide food for the illegals you are going to bring over. Quite frankly, I'm sick of my tax $$$ supporting them!!!!!!

Stepping quietly and swiftly off my soapbox... before I get caught in the crossfire between our BLACK President and Rush Limbaugh. I might add that Obama is again fueling the flame. Who is profiting from his war with Rush??? RUSH has more listeners than ever.

BTW - I am NOT racist. Some of my best friends are Afro-American BLACK people. They don't scream RACISM if I happen to serve BBQ ribs and watermelon at a summer picnic. Would I go to their house and scream Racism if they served Apple Pie?????

Obama is going to divide this country and we are going to have a racial war the likes of which we have never seen before. Obama is going to destroy 100's of years of work on blacks and whites sharing common ground. He doesn't see himself as an America with dark skin. He sees himself as a persecuted black man who is going to show the world the blacks have risen. That is not what this country needs right now. We need a President who can show leadership and get us out of this economical cesspool.....not prove he is a BLACK man who became President.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

"I DO"

Judge White who officated at Pam's marriage ceremony.

Pam & Kay all ready for the big event.

Judge White was so much fun. He had Kayla and each of Tom's neices sit behind the bench and say "This marriage will now commence". The first little girl up said "This marriage is conditional". It went downhill from there. By the time it gt to Kayla she said "Let's get the marriage started". LOL!!!

Presenting the happy couple, Mr. & Mrs. Hajde

Judge White ordered us all behind the bench .... took Brian's
camera away and started snapping shots of us.
Pam and Tom chose to have a very small (just family) civil ceremony. It was alot of fun and the Judge let us play in the courtroom taking pictures as long as we wanted. We didn't stay too long, as the newlyweds needed to drive up to Estes Park that night. They are staying at the Stanley Hotel and went on the Stanley's Ghost Tour. They ventured into some "haunted "rooms
and got to tour the room where Stephen King got the idea for The Shining (which plays non stop on the tvs in the rooms). At the end of a long dark corridor, if you take a photo the word REDRUM appears... but it can't be seen with the naked eye. I'll post some of the Stanley Ghost photos when they return. Pam said they have quite a few pictures of the infamous Room 217.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


With the new administration in office, I figure it's time for me to be a little more sensitive and "politically correct".

I'll Let Maxine explain my new Philosophy


Friday, January 30, 2009


Kayla (far right) has kicked off her 2009 competition year with not only a Platinum award, but high score and high overall score as well.
Her new team is dancing this year to Bobby Darrin's SPLISH SPLASH. This is the first year these girls have danced together, and they did AWESOME!!!!
Several more competitions to go before the year is over.... let's hope they continue the momentum.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

K.D. the Fairy Princess of the Woods

Kayla went to a FAIRY party at one of her friends. The Mother is a professional party planner..... so the day was AMAZING. She even brought in a LIVE Unicorn. The girls got to keep their fairy costumes. They were all adorable!!!!

Is this the best party idea ever??? NO.. it wasn't a birthday party... just a regular old everyday party. The little girls' 5th birthday party was a 50's party, complete with an Elvis impersonator flown in from Vegas. BUT... that is a whole 'nother story. LOL!!!


Halloween Nerd

Kayla could be anything she wanted for Halloween. We could not talk her out of being a Nerd. With no front teeth and talking like "Urkle" she pulled it off quite well.

Instead of saying "Trick or Treat".... she said (in her best Urkle voice, while pushing her taped together glasses up on her nose).... "Did you know that E=MC squared". If the people said "YES", she would say "AH.. another a brillant mind". If they said "NO" she would say "It's right here in the book people... you need to read more". Needless to say she got extra handfuls of candy at every house. LOL!!!