Tuesday, February 12, 2008

5 year olds take the prize!!!

Kayla (in the middle) and her "team" took a Platium award and first place in their division at their first ever sem-national competition. There are supposed to be a quartet, but one of the girls had pneumonia. With only a couple quick run throughs as a trio.... they pulled it off.... and won the "Show must go on" award as well.

Kinda funny really..... we were told that they MUST wear make-up on stage or the judges wouldn't notice them. By make-up.. we are talking the full deal.. foundation, eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, bright red lipstick. My daughter (Pam -Kay's Mom) said "NO WAY". Pam is adament about not "Jon Benet'ing" Kayla. One of the other Mother's agreed.... and those 2 little girls went out on stage with nothing but their sheer cuteness. Hmmmmm...... guess they got noticed even without the war paint.

Next competition is in 2 weeks. That one is supposed to be a much tougher competition.... the cream of the crop gathers there to compete. Different set of judges. Would be a miracle if they pulled it off again. BUT.. Kayla doesn't care.. win or lose.. she just wants to DANCE!!!!

OKAY.. I'll get off my Gramma bragging soapbox now.