Thursday, December 21, 2006


YIKES..... 30+ hours with continuous snow. Does not look like we will be getting out today, or tomorrow... and things do not look good for Christmas Eve either. LUCKILY gifts are bought for the kids, and the adults have decided to hang IOU's on the tree because it looks doubtful we will get out to get the remainder of shopping done. Here is a picture of my son, Brian, making a feeble attempt to dig out of our driveway. Even with a fairly large snow blower, it was slow going. He would like to get to his house sometime before Christmas.


The city puts lights on all the trees in the medians in our neighborhood at Christmas. They are lit the weekend before Thanksgiving. Big celebration in conjuction with the annual lighting of the star on the "Castle Rock". The lights are kept on until after the Stock Show in January... which is a big event in the cowboy counry of Colorado. Blasted snow really did make the lights look quite beautiful.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Chritmas

Horrid blizzard here today. Brian got as far as our house this morning and is stranded here. Ain't nothing going nowhere. We are hoping we can get out before Christmas Eve..... or we will be having tv dinners and SNOW for dessert. Very Thankful we aren't the poor people who are stranded at the airport (which is running out of food). Or the people stranded on the highway and have run out of gas. This is supposed to let up tomorrow afternoon.... in the meantime snow is piling up. Very bad conditions.... but we are all safe, warm and have plenty of food. Life is good!!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006


I could not resist posting a picture of the Elf, Edna made me in my "secret ELF Swap" group.

The picture really does not do it justice. It's 12 -14 inches tall and has the cutest face and rosy cheeks. It's so adorable. Thank you Edna!!!! Now to NAME THAT ELF!!!!

Another new treasure for my tree is this beaded Fairy, ROAK'd to me by Janice (the Homely) in my FGM group. Thank you so much Janice. She is a delight. btw- for those who don't know.... "The Homely" is a term of endearment bestowed on Janice by her family. I'm not just being mean. I use "the Homely" with the utmost respect and admiration.

'Tis turning out to be a wonderful Holiday season. I have been elfed and roak'd and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. My blind man (who really sees quite well) seems to have found a solution (after 3 months of continuous attempts) to the window covering in an arched window that just would not fit properly. YIPPEEE!!!!

Everyone will be here for Christmas Eve to EAT, track Santa on NORAD, EAT, play our annual family pool/air hocky/dart/poker tournaments, EAT, open presents. DId I mention we will EAT too??? My son whose hobby is gourmet cooking..... will do the honors of cooking our traditional Christmas Eve smorgasboard feast. YUMM!!!!!

My Christmas shopping is all wrapped up.... literally!!! tags, bows and everything. Still have a couple things to pick up for hubby..... but the kids are going to help me with that next week.

10 days and counting
until we hear "HO HO HO" and the
prancing and pawing of tiny hooves on the rooftop.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I normally do not participate in political discussions. You can't change anyone's mind and it only leads to hard feelings. HOWEVER, I have made an acception. The post below was sent to me and I feel very strongly on this topic. If you find this offensive.... I won't apologize.

Dad, this one is for you.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


This is a Christmas tree.

It is not a Hanukkah bush,
it is not an Allah plant,
it is not a Holiday hedge.
It is a Christmas tree.
Yes, Christmas and a celebration of the
Birth of Jesus Christ!


You fled your country and came to ours, because you

believed in what AMERICA stands for.

This includes our beliefs, our customs and our rights.

We will not allow you.... our GUEST.... to take those away from us.

If you find our traditions offensive.... GO HOME!!!!

The HEARTLAND of AMERICA will fight to perserve our rights, beliefs, customs and traditions.




For those who agree......
now let's go hang a NO VACANCY sign on the Statue of Liberty

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Sometimes it takes facing the bad times head on...before you can appreciate the joys around you. With the support of wonderful friends we are dealing with Norma's decline. She is a fighter ...... and is not going to give up until she is ready. We spend as much of our time with her as possible..... and she seems to be enjoying the attention. She seems determined to see another Christmas.

Now on to the GOOD THINGS.

Spent the day at a local tree nursery, where Santa was visiting. Outside as you walked among the acres of Christmas pines, they had chesnuts roasting over an open fire, hot cider, hot dogs, hay rides (pulled by the biggest John Deere I have ever seen). Inside was roasted peanuts, hot cocoa 30 decorated trees, each with a different theme. A train set up complete with ice rink, tunnels, ski slopes and chair lifts..... and of course, SANTA.

Here is my little reinDEER, chatting with Santa, so we could get some light readings. Sometimes you don't know what the set up is going to be... and you just have to make the best of it. Shop filled with beautifully decorated, goregously lit trees and they put Santa in a sleigh in dire need of a paint job in the middle of bare trees. He was such a great Santa tho, nobody seemed to even notice the shabby set up. My granddaughter (who sees many Santa's during the holidays) is sure THIS ONE is the real Santa. He also added to his authenticity by bringing along Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.... who were all in a pen outdoors in the fresh tree area.


We sent out several packages for the ANY SOLDIER program and we have gotten WONDERFUL responses back. These boys are so grateful just to know we appreciate their bravery and their service to our country. They are so very grateful for a little taste of home. No matter if we support the war... or think this has gotten out of hand .... we need to support our boys. They have sent Kayla awesome pictures of the troops and thier camps.... and wonderful letters for her scrapbook.

this CHRISTmas season.

UNpolitically correct....and proud of it!!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Tried to do a little Xmas shopping this evening. Had to come home. My old bones just do not like the frigid temps. Not to mention the icy parking lots that I have to navigate cautiously for fear of a broken limb. Then there are the germ infected mobs of angry shoppers. Online shopping is looking better and better.

Here are a couple of my favorites pillows I made. The Naughty/Nice is one pillow with a flip-floppable flap.

I have no breaking news to report this week. We have been very busy with Steve's Mother. She has improved significantly the last few days.... but they tell us that is normal and we should not get our hopes up. They have now given her less than 2 weeks. That is quite an improvement from less than a few hours. All we can do is wait and hope and pray.

24 shopping days left...... .and Good Luck to ya on that.