Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Vultures have crash landed!!!!

Well.... I WAS going to "let go" of the insanity between my Mother and her sister. I STUPIDLY THOUGHT My Mother's passing would put an end to the reign of terror.

I was wrong!!!!

Mind you I did not get, nor did I expect or want, anything from my Mother's estate (which was very very very small). HOWEVER, it seems the Will surprised Crazy Auntie Alice. She only got 1/2 of my Mother's personal belongings (which was in a SMALL 1 bedroom apartment) the bank account and rest of the property went to another aunt.... who truely deserves it.

Here is the kicker. Crazy Alice wants ME to send HER money, because she says she wants more than what she ended up with.

I am dead serious!!!! This LOONIE, that menatlly abused and tortured me, when I was little, wants ME to send her $$$$$$ to make up for what my Mother didn't have!!!!! I am not kidding... this is the truth!!!!

This is beyond bizarre...even for the family's "Death circling vultures". I can't even begin to understand in her sick demented mind how she came up with this.

She went to my Mother's funeral slinging mud at ME, because I refuse to cough up money that she thinks my Mother should have had.. and given to her.

Needless to say all she is getting out of me is my hospital bill.... from the trip to the ER...... from falling out of my chair laughing at her.

I guess in all honestly, I must Thank Alice. Last night my family went out to dinner... and had a rip roaring good time ... laughing until tears were rolling down our faces.... all because of her. My son, Brian.... fondly referred to as the King of Zingers..... had us in stitches. So Thanks Auntie Alice..... we had a few good laughs at your expense. Oh yeah... and "The check is in the mail".

Sunday, May 27, 2007

May 27th, 2007

My Mother, Mary, passed away today. It was expected, but still a bit of a shock. I guess what they say is true "You are never really prepared for someone's death".

She is back east in Indiana and I won't be attending the funeral. She was mentally and physically abusive to me when I was child. Her mental abuse toward me continued until the day she died.

My Father literally kidnapped me when I was very young... and we hid out 1/2 way across the country..... to get me away from my Mother and her EVIL sister's abuse. Back then they had this law "A woman's inalienable right to her child". My Dad could not even get his side of the story heard in court. I owe my life and my sanity (HUSH DINGY!!!!) to my Dad.

My Mother and her sister have this very sick, twisted, demented relationship. This sister and her husband are referred to as the family's "death circling vultures". They prey on the sick, dying and lonely. Although they never allowed her to reap any of the rewards, My Mother played thier Court Jester her entire life.

I could write a book of the horrors those two TWISTED SISTERS put me through.... maybe someday I will. Instead of MOMMY DEAREST... I think I'll call it "Mommy and Auntie Demented".

In the meantime, instead of attending my Mother's funeral..... I'm going to New Mexico to put flowers on my Dad's grave.

I know its wrong to speak ill of the dead. And a part of me feels quilty for having so little feelings of grief. The other part of me feels a stronger obligation to my Dad and what he risked to get me safely away from my Mother and her sister, Alice.

Alice, you didn't win. I had a wonderful life. My Dad provided me with a loving, safe, home. I never wanted for anything. He made sure I had the best education he could afford. I have a wonderful husband, fantastic kids. A beautiful grandchild. A successful business. My dream Home. I did all this while you wasted your life trying to set up your next victim. Had it not been for the mental torture, and threats you and my Mother threw at me, my Dad would not have been forced to kidnap me and I would not have had the opportunities in life that I have been given. I guess in a way I should Thank the two of you....but I won't. I find it difficult to say a kind word about anyone who so viciously and maliciously mentally abuses a child.

I suppose when you look at it realistically..... in a family if 15 (that is not a typo FIFTEEN natural) siblings... a couple of bad apples is to be expected. And Auntie Alice... YOU are rotten to the core.

Mother, I hope you do rest in Peace and the hold that Alice had over you has been lifted, and her reign of terror is now defused.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Ballet is Serious Business

Here is our little Prima Ballerina in her new recital costume. She is not smiling because according to her "Ballet is too serious to smile at". I asked her who told her that and she answered "Grandma, somtimes people just know things..and I just KNOW THAT!!"

Here she is at her first "public cheering event". OH... wait they call it POMS now. In my day it was cheerleading. She just turned 5 a few weeks ago. She lives and breathes singing, dancing and Poms.
Kayla our little POM PRINCESS in the middle... looking very intent on the game. Guess poms is serious business too.
IT'S A FLY BALL CHARLIE BROWN!!!!! Kayla is jumping for glee!!!

This is Kayla's pre school graduation program. The theme was Fun In The Sun. You can't really tell in the picture.. but Kayla (front row, middle) was really into the Hula. Even tho I got blamed for it.. I DID NOT TEACH HER THOSE MOVES!!! Mind you the program was in a church... and the saintly little grey-haired lady behind me was (thankfully) stunned speechless with Little Miss Show Biz's Hula. Unfortunately her uncle didn't get pictures of her bow and throwing kisses to the audience at the end. It was quite a performance.

As you can see, I have been keeping quite busy playing doting Grandma. A job I love and am very good at.