Thursday, March 30, 2006


My plan is to take my charm swaps each month and make lap quilts out of them for my Mother-in-law's assisted care facility. It's so sad.. there are so many residents whose families literally dropped them off at the door and have never been back to see them. Hopefully these colorful quilts will brighten the day. Anyhow.... this is my January block. I will add a block each month. I am hoping to get 2 or 3 charm lap quilts made by next winter.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Learn something new everyday. I was more than skeptical about sending this fabric postcard through the mail without an envelope.... but sure 'nuff the clerk at the P.O. didn't bat an eye when I asked him to hand-stamp it. It arrived at it's destination unscathed and my granddaughter took it ot pre-school for Show & Tell. I think I'm ready for the next fabric postcard step..... one of BlueRose's shakers.

TWO more textured blocks

Hard to see in the photo, but the middle block has pleats in it which are sewn down on the sides and then up in the middle. Kinda neat effect. The weaved strips are a bit uneven... but it's really not quite as noticeabale "in person" as it is in the photo... so I think I'll leave them as they are.


I gave it the old college try.. and made an attempt at a ruched (middle block) block. After 2 days of fussing with it, I have decided to leave it as it is... a tad catty-whompus, and to never try ruching again. I like the texture and the look of the ruching.. ..but it requires much more effort and time than my type A personality allows.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I know it sounds unusual to use a branch to hang a quilt (even if it is a small one ).... but it really works quite well and adds some interest to my otherwise drab and dull hall bath. The quilt itself is a project from a Quilt University class, "POPPIN' POPPIES". It's hard to tell in the photos, but the flower heads and the leaves are 3-D.

Friday, March 24, 2006

TEXTURED BLOCKS wall hanging

This is my first block (of four) in a Textured Block project. This is my first ever attempt at fabric manipulation. Tonight I receive lesson 2 and instructions for the 2nd block. The project called for 2 very traditional fabrics, a dark flowered one and a creme fabric. As you can see.... I'm always the class rebel. Certainly not your granny's wall hanging. LOL!!! Who knows.... perhaps lesson 2, I will find out why I should follow directions...and why funky fish don't work in an old fashioned style fabric art. ??

Monday, March 20, 2006


This dreary picture just about sums up the day. Cloudy, dismal, snowy, wet, cold. I was able, dispite my sewing machine, to get my FG of quilting finished.... she is posted at the FGM website. Other than that I fought all day with my soon to be ex-sewing machine. He (I named him Sven) and I do not get along. We seem to have a personality confict that we cannot get past. Sven is now sitting on the floor, in the corner, giving me evil looks, as I clean and polish his table in preparation for his replacement. He should be thankful I didn't throw him over the balcony into a snow bank, as I had threatened. I do have to take partial blame..... I named him SVEN.. what was I thinking. I believe there is some sort of law that forbids the male gender gaining entrance into a sewing sactuary. As soon as the roads are clear... I will begin my search for BETSY!!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Here is my entry for the FGM Day Dreamer challenge. The fairy pattern was designed by our own very talented FGM Listmom , Linda Poole. The challenge was to use the pattern and create a personality, name and scenerio for your day dreaming fairy. We were also to write a poem that described our day dreamer. I didn't win this contest. Didn't even come close. The other entries were.... STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The talent in this contest amazed me. She was fun to do and she will hang proudly in granddaughter Kayla's room.... on a decorative rod with Kayla's dress-up boas and scarves draped over. Personally, I think she needs some pink fuzzy dice.


Misty is a lazy fairy, she lives upon cloud 9
Dreaming about the 50’s, is how she spends her time.
Pedal pushers, Coonskin caps, saddle shoes and poodle skirts,
Boys with greasy duck tails and rolled up white T-shirts.
She dreams about soda shops, rock-a-billy and the King.
Bill Haley, Perry Como and dancing to the Swing.
Muscle cars and street rods, drag racing down on Main,
Drive in movies, cashmere sweaters and walking barefoot in the rain.
Buddy Holly, James Dean, Rock and Roll and Doo Wop.
Spumoni ice cream, Tutti Fruitti and rolled down bobby sox
If Misty could bring the 50’s back, she knows what she would do.
She’d sit on the shoulders of the King, as he sings Blue Suede Shoes.
She’d pop down to the soda shop, discreetly hide herself,
Watching all the action, from high atop a shelf.
But even fairies can’t turn back time, (tho’ it surely would be nifty)
So Misty fritters away her time, just dreaming about the 50’s
by Sharon


This was my entry for Ali's Limerick contest. The requirements were the words Ali, Fabric and Fairy be in the limerick.

There once was a goth fairy named ALI,
She smelled like the frequent Lilly, Cali,
As she waded through her fabric stash,
She fell on her ***
And round her the FGM’s did rally
Okay.... so I will never make a living writing limericks. Needless to say I did not win this contest!!


FIRST PLACE!!! No one was more amazed than myself. This just isn't any first place entry. This is First Place in a FGM challenge. The entries were all fabulous and have to recieved the First Place prize was indeed an honor. I'm thrilled!!!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Blue's Clues footstool I made for my granddaughter to store her treasure in when she visits Grandma.

Also one of my favorites is my MERMAID LAGOON REVISITED. This was from a Quilt University class.

These are my favorite fairie creations. They are machine embroidered. I just love them.